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Paradise Canyon Eye Care Blog

Learn more about optometry care in our blog!

Common Contact Lens Mistakes

It’s more common than you might think for contact lens wearers to make mistakes when it comes to caring for their eyes. While these mistakes may seem insignificant, they can have serious repercussions. One contact lens wearer tragically ended up blind after wearing her contact lenses for six months straight. The amoeba Acanthamoeba Keratitis began to eat away at her corneas, which resulted in blindness. But, do not let this rare instance deter you from using contacts––let it act as a precautionary tale.

Daily Lid Hygiene

How often do you brush your teeth? Daily? Twice daily? Why? Do you do it because your dentist said to? Do you do it to maintain healthy teeth and healthy gums? Do you floss?

Eye Color Trivia

The color, the shape, the expression, the eyelashes and eyebrows. In this post, we’re just going to focus on the color, because it’s a lot more complicated than you might expect!

Our Team’s Favorite Holiday Traditions

DECEMBER IS HERE, and that means so is the holiday season! We’re looking forward to it just as much as you, which is why we got our team together to share some of our favorite holiday traditions!

Sports Eye Safety Month – September

September is Sports Eye Safety Month, which means that we are focusing on keeping our vision healthy and our eyes protected. It’s estimated that over 40,000 eye injuries related to sports occur every year, and that a whopping 90 percent of these injuries are totally preventable. That’s why we are promoting the awareness of sports eye safety and encouraging athletes everywhere to take the necessary measures to keep their eyes out of harm’s way. To learn more about how you can protect your eyes and prevent damage to your vision, read on below for some more information about sports and eye damage.


Did you know that there are six muscles attached to your eye to control eye movement? If one or more of the muscles is weakened or underdeveloped, vision problems may occur. A common condition that often occurs due to weakened eye muscles is strabismus, often identified as cross-eyed.

When To Get New Glasses

You may have had your glasses for years and still be able to see fairly clearly out of them. Because your glasses are helping your eyesight, you may not realize that the condition of your eyes themselves has changed. Changes are often gradual and, therefore, hard to notice. However, it is important to continue getting regular eye exams. You might be surprised to see how much your eyesight has changed throughout the year.


Heterochromia is a condition present in some humans and animals where one iris is a different color than the other. The iris is a thin circular structure that surrounds your pupil and contains pigment or melanin, which gives our eyes their distinct color. The amount of melanin that has developed in the iris at birth and shortly after determines one’s eye color. Blue eyes contain the lowest amount of melanin while brown eyes have the most.

Cataract Awareness Month

June is Cataract Awareness Month, and we want to take time to educate the public about cataracts and ways to reduce your risk. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss within the United States and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide.

Color Blindness

When we see color, our eyes perceive various wavelengths of light. Our eyes contain two types of cells or photoreceptors that allow us to process light and distinguish colors. There are two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones.

Roya1234 none 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Closed optometrist # # #