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Paradise Canyon Eye Care Blog

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Checking In At The Start Of A New Year

A NEW YEAR IS A NEW BEGINNING, which is why so many of us make New Year’s resolutions. If there’s something we want to change or to accomplish, a fresh year seems like the perfect time to start. So here at the beginning of 2018, our practice is taking stock of last year and looking forward to this one!

Decorating Your Eyes For Halloween

The spookiest night of the year is almost here! Halloween is a festive night where people can dress up for laughs, scares, or even candy. Depending on the costume, it may even take some crazy eyewear to achieve your desired look. With all the excitement surrounding the big night, it can be easy to forget about safety and the potential risk your costume may pose, especially when it comes to your eyes.

Don’t Let Those Insurance Benefits Expire!

2017 is almost over, and that means it’s time to talk about vision insurance. Most insurance companies don’t let their vision benefits roll over into the next year if they go unused. If you know your insurance covers your vision and haven’t taken advantage of all your benefits, then now is the time to do so!

Five eye health approved foods for your holiday feast

Eye health is one of those things that many of us don’t really think about while planning your holiday feast. But since just about everything in our life relies on having accurate vision, it’s safe to say that eating eye health-focused foods should be a priority. Yet that brings the question, what foods actually support your eye health?

Is Your Vision the Cause of Your Headaches?

Have you ever experienced a headache that affected your vision? Many of us know what it is like to have a headache. Depending on the cause, it can trigger a sharp, dull, or throbbing sensation of pain ranging in severity. While it may be difficult to determine the cause of a headache, one cause you may have overlooked could be your vision.

July is UV Safety Month—Celebrate by Protecting Your Eyes

While the sun provides us with many benefits and supports our life, its ultraviolet rays can be harmful and damaging to our bodies, primarily our skin and eyes. Over time, exposure to two types of UV rays can lead to macular degeneration and some kinds of cataracts, both of which affect your vision. UV-A rays can damage central vision, while UV-B rays may affect your cornea and lens.

Kitchen Eye Safety Tips

Imagine this scene: You are in the kitchen preparing a delicious surprise dinner for your spouse. You start off by chopping up some peppers and throwing them into a pan with some oil to sauté them. As the pan sizzles, a rogue pop sends a drop of hot oil straight towards your eye! Out of pure reaction, you reach up and rub your eye in the hopes of quelling the painful burn from the oil.

Spooky Eye Tips

Fall is here! Though eye safety is important all year, around the fall holidays parties and traditions can pose some special ocular hazards for you and your loved ones. Many eye injuries or ailments occur every year during October, and unfortunately, most are preventable. To help keep your vision sharp and safe this month, we want to share our spooktacular eye care tips!

The Role Of Tears

We cry for all kinds of reasons: a stubbed toe, a particularly poignant scene in a movie, freshly cut onions — the list goes on.

Time Again For Back-To-School Eye Exams!

Don’t forget to schedule an eye exam when you’re working on your back-to-school lists!

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