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Paradise Canyon Eye Care Blog

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What Makes Someone an Ideal Candidate for Neurolens?

Today, vision experts have many different options for correcting vision problems. That includes the Neurolens, which professionals consider a miraculous breakthrough. After all, they link optometry and neurology to help realign a person’s eyes in a safe and comfortable way.

7 Qualities Every Good Eye Doctor Has

A famous saying goes that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Yet, eye doctors understand that the eyes can also reveal important information about a person’s overall physical health. Patients are often amazed when their eye doctor detects a latent health condition their general practitioner had previously overlooked.

Eye Misalignment: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Everyone’s eyes should sync up perfectly in a perfect world. Unfortunately, many people struggle with an eye condition called eye misalignment. This visual disorder can affect people of all ages.

How to Protect Your Eyes From Digital Eyestrain

Computer vision syndrome, also known as digital eyestrain, is a common problem caused by the prolonged use of electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. The symptoms of digital eyestrain can include headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. Read on to learn ways to protect your eyes from digital eyestrain.

Why Neurolens Is the Most Effective Eye Misalignment Treatment

For healers and then doctors, the eyes have been an essential subject of study for thousands of years. Over that time, significant advancements have led to the current state of optometry. The most significant advances happened in the 1800s. The University of Gottingen started the first formal ophthalmology course in 1803. Soon after, in 1851, Hermann von Helmholtz invented the first ophthalmoscope.

How Often Should Seniors Have Eye Exams?

The American Academy of Ophthalmology advises seniors to maintain regular eye checkups. Good eyesight is important for basic activities, such as reading and driving. Changes in eyesight become significant when aging is at its peak. That is why seniors must have regular eye exams. Knowing how often seniors must see an eye doctor can help them prepare for each appointment.

Heterochromia: Why Some People Have Different-colored Eyes

Heterochromia is a rare condition characterized by different-colored eyes. The iris, or the colored part of the eye, is usually one color, but some people have different shades. The difference may be partial or complete. 

Are Your Contact Lenses Causing Dry Eye?

Over 30 million of the United States population wear contact lenses. Many of them prefer contacts due to the convenience they offer. They also provide vision correction without altering your appearance. You barely feel that you have them on.

How Back-to-school Eye Exams Help Kids Succeed in School

Learning is essential to a child’s development. But to do so, they need their visual abilities. Otherwise, their grades will suffer, and they may not want to participate in other school activities.

What to Expect During a Comprehensive Eye Exam

While eye exams entail being personal and up close with the eyes, this vulnerability ensures you identify problems early to start treatment. Hence, it is ideal to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Read on to learn what to expect.

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